Collaboration - Header

Collaboration - Arizona Forests New

Collaboration - Arizona Forests New
Tom Bean

Arizona Forests

Accelerating landscape-scale forest restoration in northern Arizona
The Trust has spent nearly two decades building agreement among scientists, industry representatives, community leaders, elected officials, and land managers around landscape-scale forest restoration. These relationships allowed the Trust and others to launch the Four Forest Restoration Initiative (4FRI) in 2009. As 4FRI continues, collaboration is the glue holding it together. View Program ›

Collaboration - Utah Forests New

Collaboration - Utah Forests New
Ellen Morris-Bishop

Utah Forests

Reforming grazing in southern Utah
Throughout the past decade, the Trust has initiated and participated in five critically important consensus grazing collaborations. Livestock and big game grazing have long been a source of conflict in southern and central Utah, but these collaborations have generated thoughtful discussions, innovative solutions, and impressive, multi-party commitments. View Program ›

Collaboration - North Rim Ranches New

Collaboration - North Rim Ranches New
Brendon Potts

North Rim Ranches

Building stewardship and research partnerships in Arizona and Utah
The Trust has led development of a stewardship and research agenda for Grand Canyon’s northern rim, where we hold grazing permits.  Similar partnerships are being launched within Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and a national forest in southern Utah. These partnerships aim to improve management of landscapes amid climate change. View Program ›

Collaboration - Why It’s Important

Why It’s Important

Advocacy and litigation are needed to prevent some of the most harmful land use practices on the Colorado Plateau’s extensive public lands; but when we need to undertake large-scale restoration and change the way the land is managed, collaboration is essential, and we are committed to it.

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