Category: Water

Muddy Colorado River with golden cliffs all around.
How does Colorado River water get divvied out to Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, California, Wyoming, Native American tribes, and Mexico?
An inflatable boat rows down the shiny flat muddy Colorado River within Marble Canyon orange cliffs
Did you know the Colorado River used to be called the Grand River? Learn about the name change and more fun facts about this hardworking river.
Snow covered mesa with small figure standing in an empty field below
A new federal policy requiring tribal consent for dams on tribal lands is a historic victory for tribal sovereignty across the United States.
Looking up at Glen Canyon Dam from the Colorado River, including cliffs, large concrete dam and a bridge overhead
Glen Canyon Dam flooded over 180 miles of the Colorado River to form Lake Powell and provide power. How does the dam work?
Boatman leans back, rowing a muddy Colorado River in the Grand Canyon under a brilliant blue sky with wispy white clouds
Where does the Colorado River start? How deep is it? Is it drying up? Your questions, answered.
Delores Wilson-Aguirre, a Diné community organizer, shares what it was like to grow up herding sheep above the confluence of the Little Colorado and Colorado rivers.
Herman and Radmilla Cody, in masks
Grand Falls is more than a tourist destination. Dr. Herman Cody and Radmilla Cody, Diné (Navajo) musicians, discuss growing up along the banks of the Little Colorado River.