Category: Water
Groundwater pumping at a uranium mine near the Grand Canyon will affect the canyon’s springs, scientists says.
How does Colorado River water get divvied out to Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, California, Wyoming, Native American tribes, and Mexico?
Did you know the Colorado River used to be called the Grand River? Learn about the name change and more fun facts about this hardworking river.
The ongoing flooding problem at uranium mine near the Grand Canyon, continues.
Dr. Laura Crossey explains what scientists know about groundwater in the Grand Canyon region.
Challenging conditions have endangered, threatened, or imperiled these five native fish in the Grand Canyon.
Developer’s attempt to dam a canyon near the confluence of the Colorado and Little Colorado rivers halted.
Beneath the bathtub ring at Lake Powell, native plants are flourishing, cultural sites are resurfacing, and whitewater rapids are returning.
A new federal policy requiring tribal consent for dams on tribal lands is a historic victory for tribal sovereignty across the United States.
Glen Canyon Dam flooded over 180 miles of the Colorado River to form Lake Powell and provide power. How does the dam work?
Currently, developers don’t have to get permission from tribes when applying for dam permits on tribal lands.
Colorado River flows are highly regulated, even the high flows that periodically course through the Grand Canyon.
Estonian-owned oil shale giant is barred from siphoning 100 billion gallons of water from a Colorado River tributary.
What species are found in the Colorado River Basin and nowhere else on Earth?
The Hopi people believe that the springs are alive. We teach our children that springs are sacred at a very young age.
Where does the Colorado River start? How deep is it? Is it drying up? Your questions, answered.
New dams proposed near Kayenta would pump water from the Colorado River, San Juan River, or local aquifers.
An Estonian oil shale giant is trying to lock up water that would flow into the Colorado River. Will Utah allow it?
Bennett Wakayuta, a Hualapai tribal member, is connected to the Little Colorado River through traditional songs and the ceremony of water.
Delores Wilson-Aguirre, a Diné community organizer, shares what it was like to grow up herding sheep above the confluence of the Little Colorado and Colorado rivers.
A developer continues to push a third dam proposal on the Navajo Nation near the Little Colorado River.
Canyon Mine, aka Pinyon Plain Mine, a controversial uranium mine near Grand Canyon National Park, is hiring.
Miners have pumped more than 49 million gallons of water laced with uranium and arsenic out of a mine near the Grand Canyon.
A mega-resort proposed near Grand Canyon National Park threatens water sources and the Havasupai Tribe’s way of life.
Ramon and Bernadette, White Mountain Apache tribal members, trace the Little Colorado River’s headwaters to their sacred mountain.
Grand Falls is more than a tourist destination. Dr. Herman Cody and Radmilla Cody, Diné (Navajo) musicians, discuss growing up along the banks of the Little Colorado River.
A hydroelectric dam project in Big Canyon, a dry tributary of the Little Colorado River, would require pumping billions of gallons of groundwater.
There’s something fishy about the water right for a massive oil shale facility in northern Utah.
Springs are the lifeblood of the forests, canyons, and communities of the arid Southwest.