Phone 2 Action - Thank President Biden for restoring Bears Ears and Grand Staircase

Take a minute to thank President Biden and his administration for restoring the boundaries of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments.

 Here are some points you might want to include:

  • Thank Interior Secretary Haaland for listening to all viewpoints during the review process, and for elevating the concerns of Indigenous communities and the five tribes of the Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition.
  • Thank the president for returning protections for these monuments and preventing new oil and gas leasing and development, as well as new uranium and other mining claims.
  • Recognize that restoration is only the first step in healing the damage done over the last four years.
  • Thank the president for including a significant boost in funding for management and planning at the restored monuments in his 2022 budget proposal.
  • Recognize that it is time to pay long overdue respect to the Indigenous people whose ancestors stewarded these lands for hundreds of generations and to embrace the leadership, expertise, and traditional knowledge offered by Native nations to help heal the land. 


Send a personal message of thanks to President Biden.

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