Yá’át’ééh, shik’éí dóó shidine’é. Shí éí Amber Benally yinishyé. Tł’ízí lání nishłį́. Tódich’ii’nii bashishchiin. Kiisaanii dashicheii. Kiyaa’áanii dashinalí. Ákót’éego, Diné Asdzáán nishłį́. Tó Naneesdizí déé’ naashá. Axhé’héé!
This is how Amber introduces herself as a Diné, Hopi, and Zuni woman. She grew up exploring the Colorado Plateau and sought to understand the deep relationship between people and place. She graduated from Diné College before earning a bachelor’s degree in sociology and environmental studies from Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado. Her education and her family’s experiences with the toxic history of uranium mining on Navajo land compelled Amber to act on environmental injustices. Amber joined the Trust in 2018 because she believes in the voices of young people, the power of underrepresented populations, and the determination of anyone with a passion.