Dianna Sue White Dove Uqualla, a Havasupai tribal member. The Tribe has been fighting for environmental justice for their sacred mountain for decades
Jake Hoyungowa

Our Work Environmental Justice

Supporting tribes’ efforts to protect their land, water, air, sacred sites, and public health.

When Indigenous communities bear the brunt of pollution, it is not fair treatment. It is environmental racism.

Here on the Colorado Plateau, extractive industries have left behind toxic legacies that disproportionately impact Native peoples and tribal lands, from abandoned uranium mines and radioactive tailings piles to poisoned wells and depleted aquifers.

We stand with Native communities in their tireless efforts to seek environmental justice and build just futures that prioritize people and health over profits.

A man in a white shirt holds up the Ute Mountain Ute Tribal flag near the entrance to the White Mesa Mill at an annual walk for environmental justice
Tim Peterson

Environmental injustice

The radioactive dump next to Bears Ears National Monument

Communities across America have fought to remove radioactive waste from their backyards. Now the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe and Bears Ears National Monument are forced to reckon with it in theirs.

Find out how the White Mesa uranium mill in southern Utah became America’s cheapest radioactive waste dump

Learn about the White Mesa Mill

Ask decision-makers to protect Bears Ears from radioactive waste

Environmental injustice

A flooding uranium mine near the Grand Canyon

A uranium mine less than 10 miles from the South Rim threatens precious groundwater in the Grand Canyon region. The Havasupai Tribe is concerned about the mine contaminating the Redwall-Muav aquifer, the tribe’s sole source of drinking water.

Learn about Canyon Mine and its flooding problem

A woman with a feather in her hair stands facing Red Butte, a central focus of the Havasupai Tribe's fight for environmental justice
Deidra Peaches
Danger keep our radiation area sign
Ed Moss

Environmental injustice

Abandoned uranium mines

Between the 1940s and 1960s, uranium mining peaked throughout the Colorado Plateau to support the U.S. nuclear energy program. Estimates suggest there have been over 1,000 mines on the Navajo Nation alone. Today, more than 500 of those mines have been abandoned and remain in need of cleanup.

Learn the legacy of uranium mining on the Colorado Plateau

Two young rising leaders smile at the camera while learning about environmental justice advocacy on the Colorado Plateau
Danya Gorel

We invest in the next generation of environmental leaders

We support budding activists working to create more just and sustainable futures for the Colorado Plateau.

Learn about the Rising Leaders Program

Environmental justice blog

Read the stories

A colorful sunset compliments the spectacular formations of Cape Royal on the Grand Canyon's north rim.
Rick Goldwasser

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